Vitrail 7 des Vitraux de Notre Dame des Neiges, Alpe d´Huez:
Hansjörg Fink – trombone
Elmar Lehnen – church organ
recording: June 15th and 16th 2021
recording location: Päpstliche Marienbasilika zu Kevelaer (Germany)
instruments: Seifert organ, Päpstliche Marienbasilika zu Kevelaer & CONN 6H – tenor trombone
Video Recording & editing: Samuël Strijbis – Concertstreamz
Audio Recording & audio mixing: Jaco van Houselt – STH Records
About the recording:
Elmar Lehnen and Hansjörg Fink set the stained glass windows of the church Notre-Dame des Neiges in Alpe d’Huez (France) to music in their thirteen compositions. A CD-recording planned for April 2021 in Alpe d’Huez could not take place because of the Corona pandemic and was postponed to 2022. Through the collaboration with Jaco van Houselt and Samuel Strijbis from the Netherlands, the idea arose to present the compositions in the Basilica of St. Mary in Kevelaer already as a LIVE recording in image and sound. Starting in September 2021 with “Vitrail 1”, one setting of a window will appear here each month, and thus all compositions will be presented in the course of a year. With Hansjörg Fink and Elmar Lehnen, two remarkable talents devote themselves to this search, each a virtuoso on his respective instrument and together a versatile and experienced duo willing to try new things and sound out the limits of what is instrumentally possible. Solo trombone and the world’s largest German Romantic organ thus join together to create a unique sound world. In March 2022, the thirteen compositions will be recorded on site in Alpe d’Huez in the church Notre-Dame des Neiges on the Kleuker organ as an independent CD production. The thirteen stained glass windows, located between the arched vaulted pillars, were made by artist Jean-Marie Pirot (“Arcabas”). They illustrate scenes from the Gospel according to Mark through bright colors. Made from 1990 to 2002, these stained glass windows were made by master glaziers Françoise Montfollet then Christophe Berthier and installed by master craftsman Léon Sert.